Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What can massage do for you?

As a massage therapist I have come across many patients with various issues. Since I have worked with Chiropractors over the past 3 years I have observed some pretty miraculous recoveries. For example we had a patient tell us that they were diagnosed with liver failure, after some structural rebuilding with our office all her numbers that measure liver function have increases and the MD says she is not in any danger. Now, the MD is surprised but of course I’m not at all.

I have seen people suffer from depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, anxiety and self-medicated Bipolar disorder. After actively participating in an intense treatment plan with Therapeutic massage and chiropractic structural rebuilding we have observed the patients display of depressed, negative and just out right rude behavior transform into the exact opposite of what they originally presented prior to treatment.

By massage therapy affecting the entire body internally and externally as well as chiropractic medicine the two alternative medicines complement one another therefore creating the perfect marriage of treatment. Due to the close relationship and affects that our sciences have on the human body and now many animals, I would Love to know what massage can really accomplish for the human body in its totality.

If you were someone in need of medical care, would you like to explore all options? or just bet it all on black? (A little gambling lingo for you) in my opinion that is exactly what you are doing. If you have a great MD who understand the science behind the alternative options and believe in taking advantage of them then I would say you’re in good hands. If not you should learn a few things today.

The reason for all this is to ask a question: Do you believe that massage would have an effect on or improve symptoms of people who are suffering from Mood disorders, Substance use disorders, Schizophrenia, Anxiety disorder, Eating disorders or Personality disorders?

Massage Professionals of Illinois, Inc available for your Recruitment and Corporate Wellness needs.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Well, here we are preparing for the Holidays. Whether you observe the Holidays or not the fact remains IT IS COLD OUTSIDE. I really enjoy this time of the year, the leaves change and fall, the snow falls and you feel a slight chill in the air, the only thing I'm not a fan of is the sloppy weather and reckless drivers or better yet the unskilled driver.

As we prepare for the season you notice that you have drier skin, your lips begin to chap, your muscles are tighter than usual. There are many who would say "I'm tight all year". Well let's just say, that if your were tight during the summer, fall and spring than image how tight you are now that it's a natural thing for your body to do as it tries to hold heat to keep you warm.

Our bodies have a natural reaction to cold. Your body attempts to keep you warm by contracting your muscles. Stretching has to be a regular part of your daily habits. If your tight and your body contracts to hold heat then you have to know that without stretching you can pull, tear or injure yourself much easier. The winter season is a very dangerous season injuries increase due to shoveling, slipping on ice and several other incidents. What are you doing to keep yourself healthy, warm and injury free this season?

If you know any Massage Therapist seeking employment or any Business looking to have a Corporate Massage or Wellness event please refer them to Massage Professionals of Illinois, Inc. You can find us on the web at http://www.massageprofessionalsofillinois.com/  We thank you in advance for your referral. How can we help you with increase your business?