Yesterday I received clarity on why I work in recruitment and placement for massage therapist. I completed a successful placement of a wonderful gifted Thai Practitioner in a Acupuncture Clinic. I have never felt so sure and excited about anything career related since I started to practice as a massage therapist.
Starting as a recruiter in the massage industry has diffentily been an experience. I have met many brite and gifted therapist , I have also met many young therapist who are under qualified and not prepared to present themselves in the work force. There are several things that I have experience that if I could right a day and a life of a recruiter it would probably be the the top 100 book.
for instance, I have met so many very wonderful Massage therapist, Thai Practitioners and Shiatsu Practitioners. I have experienced some very interesting moments over the last few months. The funniest and yet very weird moments was when I met a Bodyworker who specialty was healing. Now I am a firm believer of the gift of healing and believe there are many therapist who have the gift of healing, However, you can not touch people and intrude in someones personal space to heal them without permission.
I interveiwed a female therapist who gave me a long list of credientals, as I displayed signs of being cold the therapist reached out and grabbed my hand. Ok!! So now I was a little concerned because I am a avid believer of not allowing just anyone or any therapist to touch me. She not only touched me but told me she transfered her energy to me. Now, I have to stay professional but was very upset that she did this without permission.
Can you believe that??? I felt violated.
After experiencing career fairs, school talks, cold calling and networking I have observed that many therapist are lacking some important skills. I hope that the massage schools will start to truely prepare their students for the work force. Considering the massage field is rapidly growing and filling with young therapist between the ages of 18-25 years old, the ME generation we have to be taught with a firm hand. Preperation is more than telling them the difference between independent contractor vs employee.
Please prepare them to the initial greeting:
1. Eye Contact
2. Firm Hand Shack
3. Speak Clear and pronounce your works.
4. Be Honest.
5.Do Not allow them to stack their resumes with modalities that they only had 2 day or 2 week training
6. Provide additonal copy of resume in case interviewer doesn't have a copy.
7. Dress appropriately.
8. Be prepared to provide demonstration massage for interviewer.
I hope this isn't to harsh and will assist someone new to the industry.
Tunisia Macklin, LMT
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