Massage Professionals of Illinois, Inc The Genesis The beginning I am embarking on a new journey in my career and life. As a Massage Therapist I work with many different people with many issues,concerns,and misconceptions of massage and health. As I continue to grow in wisdom and health I clear up many of my misconceptions, so I would like to share my knowledge that I aquire through my journey in career,health and life.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Stand Up Straight
To Your HealthDecember, 2011 (Vol. 05, Issue 12)
Stand Up StraightBy Dr. Jeffrey TuckerI remember reading a quote in the American Journal of Pain Management that said "To live a long, active, energetic life, few things matter more than good posture." Postural issues are a big contributor to many different aches and pains and injuries to our bodies.
Injuries related to poor posture tend to be overuse injuries, which build up over a period of time. Slouched sitting for extended periods of time at a desk or in front of the TV can cause the shoulder joints to sit in a forwards position. This causes a muscle imbalance where the chest muscles are tight and the upper back muscles are weak. If you suffer with low back pain that developed slow and gradual with no history of trauma or overuse, the problem may be due to poor posture. Slumped sitting usually causes the arch of the back to flex or round and this places extra strain on the muscles and ligaments, which support the lower back. This results in muscle spasms and sometimes muscle strains. Sitting, staring at a computer screen for hours on end, allowing your shoulders to round and your neck protrudes forward can cause aches and stiffness in the neck-shoulder area and even cause headaches. An accumulation of poor posture day-in and day-out can result in shortening of the chest muscles and weakening of the small, postural upper back and neck muscles, which work to pull the shoulders back. Once the rounded shoulders and forward head posture become a habit, it is hard to break that pattern.Most people get out of bed in the morning and go sit down at a table and eat breakfast, then get in there car and drive to work. Large chunks of the work day is spent sitting hunched over a computer or in a vehicle driving to appointments.
After work people go home and sit at the dinner table and then sit slumped on a couch to watch TV until they go to bed. This excess sitting for long periods during the day and night adversely affects posture, which in turn effects your performance in your activities and is quite often a predisposing factor in injury.I understand most people need to spend on average eight to 10 hours each day at work. Don't be one of those people who sit unconsciously in improper body positions and engage in repetitive movements that create muscle imbalances leading to poor posture. Poor self esteem, psychological distress & depressive symptoms are all related to poor posture. The most natural thing you can do here is increase your '"get up" and "move around" time. Create a variety of movement in your activities of daily living.If you have poor flexibility, try some simple yoga. Muscle imbalances and joint dysfunctions associated with poor posture can create areas of too much motion in certain spinal segments causing instability. These areas may then wear out prematurely, while other areas may have too little motion in the spine causing range of motion/mobility dysfunctions; anytime you have a right side - left side imbalance, we call that an asymmetry. If you have an asymmetry in your muscles, you are more susceptible to injury. Improve your posture by using these techniques:Become aware of the things that you are doing, even the things that you don't even know you are doing that are contributing (harming) to your posture. Think of staying in a "tall spine" posture (while sitting, standing, during exercise). Take frequent breaks from sitting and use the Brugger's postural relief position as one of your style of breaks. Know what it feels like to be in proper posture alignment and frequently try to duplicate that feeling - sometimes clients don't even know what good posture feels like and looks like.Taking frequent breaks from sitting at your desk is one of the most important things you can do for prevention of poor posture. Become aware of the times that you are doing repetitive movements and/or sustained postures, i.e., the mattress you sleep on may be worn out and contribute to microtrauma to the tissues causing altered spinal curves. The position you sleep in is important - the least offensive sleep position is on your back, then side lying with a pillow between the knees, and the least desirable position is on the stomach. A pillow with a good cervical support is important - a pillow without any cervical support may contribute to altered neck curves. The chair at your work station should allow you to sit upright rather than in a slumped posture.
Other things that maybe harming our posture: I think our moods influence our posture; a person who is depressed has a classic hunched over looking appearance. Even our exercise choices need to be scrutinized. If you perform the same exercise over and over such as cyclists who spend 2-3 hours riding their bicycles in a position of lumbar flexion develop a reduced lumbar curve; long distance swimmers who perform repeated motions may experience shoulder pain from altered posture and faulty biomechanics. For any person who sits eight hours a day hunched over a computer, the last thing that person needs to do is spend time hunched over a bicycle for recreation or pounding out bench presses at the gym.The shoes you wear daily are important to maintain - worn out soles could contribute to foot and ankle malpositions leading to altered posture; foot pronation issues may require an insert or orthotic - this can help improve gait and posture by correcting faulty biomechanics.
I always recommend that we improve our ability to take deep breaths and expand the lungs capacity. Using the cue "breath into the back" helps improve posture.Let me be perfectly clear – you can improve your posture – first become aware of your posture. Second requires training your body with simple exercise maneuvers and progressing to more challenging strength exercises. Here are some simple exercises to get you started:Engage in daily use of the foam roll to provide self-myofascial release and self massage. Spend 3-5 minutes rolling out the thoracic spine and shoulders.Make sure you know how to go from "sitting to standing" properly. Stand upright (tall spine) imagining a sting attached to the base of the skull is lifting you upright, rather than leaning forward at the waist when going from sitting to standing. Once you are up, raise the hands above the head with the arms extended and with the elbows in line with the ears. Lean or bend backward as far as possible, making sure the hips go forward and the arms go backwards simultaneously. Repeat this maneuver 10 times.Perform "Chair Decompression": The person sits in an upright chair with their arms behind them, slightly bent, hands on the seat of the back of the chair. They push downward, straightening the arms and leaving the buttocks in the chair, unloading the trunk and spine. Keep the arms externally rotated; this moves the upper body into something similar to Brugger's.Perform Brugger's relief position: Sit at the edge of a chair; Put your knees apart (wide) and your feet under the knees: Arch your back; Rotate your arms outward so your palms face forward; Separate your fingers and point your thumb backward; Tuck in your chin; Hold this position while taking a deep breath in though your abdomen. HOLD the position for 5 seconds, release for 3 seconds, Repeat 3-5 times.Perform Cobra: Laying face down on the floor-in prone position, have arms beside your hips. Activate the core by drawing in your navel towards spine and squeezing the glutes. With your core and glutes activated, lift the chest off the floor, lift arms up and back towards the hips rotating thumbs towards the ceiling. Pause momentarily at the top of the lift then return to starting position; at all times keeping the chin tucked into the chest and the feet on the floor. Upon completion of the movement, repeat. Don't over emphasize arching of the back to the lift the chest off floor. Only lift to where you are comfortable - no lower back pain should be felt. Note: hold for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5 times.Core training including the abdominals, lower back, gluteus, and hips is important for pelvis alignment.Strength training exercises include A) Bent over back rows. Bend over from the hips with the torso parallel to the floor. Pull either bands or free weights up, squeezing your shoulder blades as close together as you go). B) Standing or seated rowing exercises - start with your arms in front of the body holding on to a band or cable machine. Pull straight back bending at the elbows with the hands moving back along the sides of the body. C) Back Flys - Gripping on to a cable machine or bands, extend your arms into a wing span position.
Stand Up StraightBy Dr. Jeffrey TuckerI remember reading a quote in the American Journal of Pain Management that said "To live a long, active, energetic life, few things matter more than good posture." Postural issues are a big contributor to many different aches and pains and injuries to our bodies.
Injuries related to poor posture tend to be overuse injuries, which build up over a period of time. Slouched sitting for extended periods of time at a desk or in front of the TV can cause the shoulder joints to sit in a forwards position. This causes a muscle imbalance where the chest muscles are tight and the upper back muscles are weak. If you suffer with low back pain that developed slow and gradual with no history of trauma or overuse, the problem may be due to poor posture. Slumped sitting usually causes the arch of the back to flex or round and this places extra strain on the muscles and ligaments, which support the lower back. This results in muscle spasms and sometimes muscle strains. Sitting, staring at a computer screen for hours on end, allowing your shoulders to round and your neck protrudes forward can cause aches and stiffness in the neck-shoulder area and even cause headaches. An accumulation of poor posture day-in and day-out can result in shortening of the chest muscles and weakening of the small, postural upper back and neck muscles, which work to pull the shoulders back. Once the rounded shoulders and forward head posture become a habit, it is hard to break that pattern.Most people get out of bed in the morning and go sit down at a table and eat breakfast, then get in there car and drive to work. Large chunks of the work day is spent sitting hunched over a computer or in a vehicle driving to appointments.
After work people go home and sit at the dinner table and then sit slumped on a couch to watch TV until they go to bed. This excess sitting for long periods during the day and night adversely affects posture, which in turn effects your performance in your activities and is quite often a predisposing factor in injury.I understand most people need to spend on average eight to 10 hours each day at work. Don't be one of those people who sit unconsciously in improper body positions and engage in repetitive movements that create muscle imbalances leading to poor posture. Poor self esteem, psychological distress & depressive symptoms are all related to poor posture. The most natural thing you can do here is increase your '"get up" and "move around" time. Create a variety of movement in your activities of daily living.If you have poor flexibility, try some simple yoga. Muscle imbalances and joint dysfunctions associated with poor posture can create areas of too much motion in certain spinal segments causing instability. These areas may then wear out prematurely, while other areas may have too little motion in the spine causing range of motion/mobility dysfunctions; anytime you have a right side - left side imbalance, we call that an asymmetry. If you have an asymmetry in your muscles, you are more susceptible to injury. Improve your posture by using these techniques:Become aware of the things that you are doing, even the things that you don't even know you are doing that are contributing (harming) to your posture. Think of staying in a "tall spine" posture (while sitting, standing, during exercise). Take frequent breaks from sitting and use the Brugger's postural relief position as one of your style of breaks. Know what it feels like to be in proper posture alignment and frequently try to duplicate that feeling - sometimes clients don't even know what good posture feels like and looks like.Taking frequent breaks from sitting at your desk is one of the most important things you can do for prevention of poor posture. Become aware of the times that you are doing repetitive movements and/or sustained postures, i.e., the mattress you sleep on may be worn out and contribute to microtrauma to the tissues causing altered spinal curves. The position you sleep in is important - the least offensive sleep position is on your back, then side lying with a pillow between the knees, and the least desirable position is on the stomach. A pillow with a good cervical support is important - a pillow without any cervical support may contribute to altered neck curves. The chair at your work station should allow you to sit upright rather than in a slumped posture.
Other things that maybe harming our posture: I think our moods influence our posture; a person who is depressed has a classic hunched over looking appearance. Even our exercise choices need to be scrutinized. If you perform the same exercise over and over such as cyclists who spend 2-3 hours riding their bicycles in a position of lumbar flexion develop a reduced lumbar curve; long distance swimmers who perform repeated motions may experience shoulder pain from altered posture and faulty biomechanics. For any person who sits eight hours a day hunched over a computer, the last thing that person needs to do is spend time hunched over a bicycle for recreation or pounding out bench presses at the gym.The shoes you wear daily are important to maintain - worn out soles could contribute to foot and ankle malpositions leading to altered posture; foot pronation issues may require an insert or orthotic - this can help improve gait and posture by correcting faulty biomechanics.
I always recommend that we improve our ability to take deep breaths and expand the lungs capacity. Using the cue "breath into the back" helps improve posture.Let me be perfectly clear – you can improve your posture – first become aware of your posture. Second requires training your body with simple exercise maneuvers and progressing to more challenging strength exercises. Here are some simple exercises to get you started:Engage in daily use of the foam roll to provide self-myofascial release and self massage. Spend 3-5 minutes rolling out the thoracic spine and shoulders.Make sure you know how to go from "sitting to standing" properly. Stand upright (tall spine) imagining a sting attached to the base of the skull is lifting you upright, rather than leaning forward at the waist when going from sitting to standing. Once you are up, raise the hands above the head with the arms extended and with the elbows in line with the ears. Lean or bend backward as far as possible, making sure the hips go forward and the arms go backwards simultaneously. Repeat this maneuver 10 times.Perform "Chair Decompression": The person sits in an upright chair with their arms behind them, slightly bent, hands on the seat of the back of the chair. They push downward, straightening the arms and leaving the buttocks in the chair, unloading the trunk and spine. Keep the arms externally rotated; this moves the upper body into something similar to Brugger's.Perform Brugger's relief position: Sit at the edge of a chair; Put your knees apart (wide) and your feet under the knees: Arch your back; Rotate your arms outward so your palms face forward; Separate your fingers and point your thumb backward; Tuck in your chin; Hold this position while taking a deep breath in though your abdomen. HOLD the position for 5 seconds, release for 3 seconds, Repeat 3-5 times.Perform Cobra: Laying face down on the floor-in prone position, have arms beside your hips. Activate the core by drawing in your navel towards spine and squeezing the glutes. With your core and glutes activated, lift the chest off the floor, lift arms up and back towards the hips rotating thumbs towards the ceiling. Pause momentarily at the top of the lift then return to starting position; at all times keeping the chin tucked into the chest and the feet on the floor. Upon completion of the movement, repeat. Don't over emphasize arching of the back to the lift the chest off floor. Only lift to where you are comfortable - no lower back pain should be felt. Note: hold for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5 times.Core training including the abdominals, lower back, gluteus, and hips is important for pelvis alignment.Strength training exercises include A) Bent over back rows. Bend over from the hips with the torso parallel to the floor. Pull either bands or free weights up, squeezing your shoulder blades as close together as you go). B) Standing or seated rowing exercises - start with your arms in front of the body holding on to a band or cable machine. Pull straight back bending at the elbows with the hands moving back along the sides of the body. C) Back Flys - Gripping on to a cable machine or bands, extend your arms into a wing span position.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
We have a different style of therapist these days. I find myself questioning how some of the schools set up their curriculum? How much the Instructor is allowed to add to the class room? I had the opportunity to meet with a therapist, now anyone that know me know that I can be a little anal about a few things, but I am for sure anal about my equipment, my massage room and supplies. Well, with that being said I have notice more of the rookie therapist either don't care or simply just don't know how thing work.
1. Do NOT use a massage therapist room and not return it to it's original state.
(a) re-dress the massage table.
2. Do NOT useall the oil up and not replace it.
(a) You should supply your own oil. ( never expect anyone to have massage oil for you.)
3. If you are nor familiar with using certain equipment then DO NOT use it or touch it.
I have come across many therapist who are not practicing any of these tips which I find very odd. How are we allowing our massage therapy students to go out and not be prepared to represent themselves properly? As instructors You need to understand that employers are aware of proper etiquette. I recruit massage therapist for many different massage settings. I expect the therapist to come trained, prepared and ready to go into a work environment.
As veteran therapist we need to make sure that we are working with the new therapist to help them to understand how to be prepared as well as display professional etiquette. Organizations like AMTA offer mentoring. You can sign up for a mentor to help you adjust to your new career. If you are a seasoned therapist you can also just sign up to be a mentor. What I like about their mentoring program you can choose gender, and demographic as well as whether you will mentor by telephone or in person. Please sign up to be a mentor if your a seasoned therapist. Let's assist in the advancement of a new therapist career.
If you are a massage therapist seeking employment or you know a facility that is seeking a qualified therapist please forward our information. We thank you in advance.
Tunisia Macklin
1. Do NOT use a massage therapist room and not return it to it's original state.
(a) re-dress the massage table.
2. Do NOT useall the oil up and not replace it.
(a) You should supply your own oil. ( never expect anyone to have massage oil for you.)
3. If you are nor familiar with using certain equipment then DO NOT use it or touch it.
I have come across many therapist who are not practicing any of these tips which I find very odd. How are we allowing our massage therapy students to go out and not be prepared to represent themselves properly? As instructors You need to understand that employers are aware of proper etiquette. I recruit massage therapist for many different massage settings. I expect the therapist to come trained, prepared and ready to go into a work environment.
As veteran therapist we need to make sure that we are working with the new therapist to help them to understand how to be prepared as well as display professional etiquette. Organizations like AMTA offer mentoring. You can sign up for a mentor to help you adjust to your new career. If you are a seasoned therapist you can also just sign up to be a mentor. What I like about their mentoring program you can choose gender, and demographic as well as whether you will mentor by telephone or in person. Please sign up to be a mentor if your a seasoned therapist. Let's assist in the advancement of a new therapist career.
If you are a massage therapist seeking employment or you know a facility that is seeking a qualified therapist please forward our information. We thank you in advance.
Tunisia Macklin
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Successfully Placed
Yesterday I received clarity on why I work in recruitment and placement for massage therapist. I completed a successful placement of a wonderful gifted Thai Practitioner in a Acupuncture Clinic. I have never felt so sure and excited about anything career related since I started to practice as a massage therapist.
Starting as a recruiter in the massage industry has diffentily been an experience. I have met many brite and gifted therapist , I have also met many young therapist who are under qualified and not prepared to present themselves in the work force. There are several things that I have experience that if I could right a day and a life of a recruiter it would probably be the the top 100 book.
for instance, I have met so many very wonderful Massage therapist, Thai Practitioners and Shiatsu Practitioners. I have experienced some very interesting moments over the last few months. The funniest and yet very weird moments was when I met a Bodyworker who specialty was healing. Now I am a firm believer of the gift of healing and believe there are many therapist who have the gift of healing, However, you can not touch people and intrude in someones personal space to heal them without permission.
I interveiwed a female therapist who gave me a long list of credientals, as I displayed signs of being cold the therapist reached out and grabbed my hand. Ok!! So now I was a little concerned because I am a avid believer of not allowing just anyone or any therapist to touch me. She not only touched me but told me she transfered her energy to me. Now, I have to stay professional but was very upset that she did this without permission.
Can you believe that??? I felt violated.
After experiencing career fairs, school talks, cold calling and networking I have observed that many therapist are lacking some important skills. I hope that the massage schools will start to truely prepare their students for the work force. Considering the massage field is rapidly growing and filling with young therapist between the ages of 18-25 years old, the ME generation we have to be taught with a firm hand. Preperation is more than telling them the difference between independent contractor vs employee.
Please prepare them to the initial greeting:
1. Eye Contact
2. Firm Hand Shack
3. Speak Clear and pronounce your works.
4. Be Honest.
5.Do Not allow them to stack their resumes with modalities that they only had 2 day or 2 week training
6. Provide additonal copy of resume in case interviewer doesn't have a copy.
7. Dress appropriately.
8. Be prepared to provide demonstration massage for interviewer.
I hope this isn't to harsh and will assist someone new to the industry.
Tunisia Macklin, LMT
Starting as a recruiter in the massage industry has diffentily been an experience. I have met many brite and gifted therapist , I have also met many young therapist who are under qualified and not prepared to present themselves in the work force. There are several things that I have experience that if I could right a day and a life of a recruiter it would probably be the the top 100 book.
for instance, I have met so many very wonderful Massage therapist, Thai Practitioners and Shiatsu Practitioners. I have experienced some very interesting moments over the last few months. The funniest and yet very weird moments was when I met a Bodyworker who specialty was healing. Now I am a firm believer of the gift of healing and believe there are many therapist who have the gift of healing, However, you can not touch people and intrude in someones personal space to heal them without permission.
I interveiwed a female therapist who gave me a long list of credientals, as I displayed signs of being cold the therapist reached out and grabbed my hand. Ok!! So now I was a little concerned because I am a avid believer of not allowing just anyone or any therapist to touch me. She not only touched me but told me she transfered her energy to me. Now, I have to stay professional but was very upset that she did this without permission.
Can you believe that??? I felt violated.
After experiencing career fairs, school talks, cold calling and networking I have observed that many therapist are lacking some important skills. I hope that the massage schools will start to truely prepare their students for the work force. Considering the massage field is rapidly growing and filling with young therapist between the ages of 18-25 years old, the ME generation we have to be taught with a firm hand. Preperation is more than telling them the difference between independent contractor vs employee.
Please prepare them to the initial greeting:
1. Eye Contact
2. Firm Hand Shack
3. Speak Clear and pronounce your works.
4. Be Honest.
5.Do Not allow them to stack their resumes with modalities that they only had 2 day or 2 week training
6. Provide additonal copy of resume in case interviewer doesn't have a copy.
7. Dress appropriately.
8. Be prepared to provide demonstration massage for interviewer.
I hope this isn't to harsh and will assist someone new to the industry.
Tunisia Macklin, LMT
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Cool Heads Sleep Better?
Remember a healthy brain equals a healthy body... How healthy are you?
Cool Heads Sleep Better?
« Donating Blood May Be a Good Deed for Your BodyThe Brain-Skin Connection »
It’s summertime and across the country, people are flipping their pillows so they can lay their heads on the “cool side of the pillow.”
Perhaps, there’s a scientific reason behind our desire to cool off our hot heads when we sleep. A new study released this month at Sleep 2011, the 25th Anniversary of APSS: Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC (APSS) suggested that people with insomnia may be able to find relief by wearing a cap that cools the brain during sleep.
According to the study, when metabolism is reduced in the brain’s frontal cortex while falling asleep, people tend to experience restorative sleep. Interestingly insomnia is associated with increased metabolism in this area. One way to reduce cerebral metabolism is to use cool the brain, a process known as “cerebral hypothermia.”
Participants in the study received all-night frontal cerebral thermal transfer by wearing a soft plastic cap on their head. The cap contained tubes that were filled with circulating water and the scientists experimented with differing temperatures to see what produced the best results.
The cool cap helped insomniacs fall asleep and stay asleep as well as the normal, average sleepers.
Many people would love to find a natural, non-pharmaceutical way to help them with their sleep at night. I’ve noticed that a variety of “cooling pillows” are already being sold online and in stores. Who knows what’s next? “Ice caps,” perhaps?
Resource: American Academy of Sleep Medicine (2011, June 13). Cooling the brain during sleep may be a natural and effective treatment for insomnia.
Dr. Amen's
Cool Heads Sleep Better?
« Donating Blood May Be a Good Deed for Your BodyThe Brain-Skin Connection »
It’s summertime and across the country, people are flipping their pillows so they can lay their heads on the “cool side of the pillow.”
Perhaps, there’s a scientific reason behind our desire to cool off our hot heads when we sleep. A new study released this month at Sleep 2011, the 25th Anniversary of APSS: Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC (APSS) suggested that people with insomnia may be able to find relief by wearing a cap that cools the brain during sleep.
According to the study, when metabolism is reduced in the brain’s frontal cortex while falling asleep, people tend to experience restorative sleep. Interestingly insomnia is associated with increased metabolism in this area. One way to reduce cerebral metabolism is to use cool the brain, a process known as “cerebral hypothermia.”
Participants in the study received all-night frontal cerebral thermal transfer by wearing a soft plastic cap on their head. The cap contained tubes that were filled with circulating water and the scientists experimented with differing temperatures to see what produced the best results.
The cool cap helped insomniacs fall asleep and stay asleep as well as the normal, average sleepers.
Many people would love to find a natural, non-pharmaceutical way to help them with their sleep at night. I’ve noticed that a variety of “cooling pillows” are already being sold online and in stores. Who knows what’s next? “Ice caps,” perhaps?
Resource: American Academy of Sleep Medicine (2011, June 13). Cooling the brain during sleep may be a natural and effective treatment for insomnia.
Dr. Amen's
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Massage in the work place
Therapeutic Massage in the workplace was developed to relax muscles while stimulating the mind & body to become alert so you return to work refreshed, focused & with renewed concentration. Schedule massage for your next staff event today.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
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To Your Health
June, 2011 (Vol. 05, Issue 06) Share
Stretch Your Limits
By Editorial Staff
If you're not a regular stretcher, you might end up on one someday. We're totally serious. Without adequate stretching, your body is much more likely to end up stiff and inflexible, particularly over time. That means you're more likely to be limited in your range of motion, and going outside of that range of motion could do damage. Here's why stretching should be a regular part of your daily wellness routine, and the best stretches to get you started.
Stretching Fundamentals
Let's consider a rubber band and a string of equal lengths. The rubber band is fairly flexible by nature, so it can stretch (within reason) to accommodate what you need it to accommodate (for example, a stack of paper). The same length of string, on the other hand, doesn't have much flexibility, if any, so if it's extended beyond its length, what happens? If it's stretched even slightly, it may start to fray; stretch it further and it will likely break (tear) into two or more pieces entirely. Bad news if that's your hamstring.
Many people exercise, but far fewer stretch. Perhaps it's because while exercise generally has visible benefits – you look better – stretching doesn't appear to do much for you on a day-to-day basis unless you're a gymnast, yoga instructor, rock climber or someone else who relies on flexibility. But that doesn't mean stretching isn't important. On the contrary; whether you're a professional athlete or a homemaker, proper stretching can help prevent injury and let you live your life to the fullest.
Benefits of Stretching
Stretching is important for several reasons. It improves flexibility, which can come in handy whether you're reaching down to pick up a pencil from the floor, climbing a ladder to the roof or trying to grab your overeager child before they run into the street. From a sports perspective, flexibility allows you to move more easily and with a greater range of motion while reducing the odds that you'll pull, strain or overstretch something in the heat of battle. It also can protect against long-term injury, in the sense that flexibility and range-of-motion deficits can cause overcompensation patterns to develop. For example, if your hamstrings and calf muscles lack adequate range of motion, it may affect lower leg and foot mechanics, leading to tendinitis or other issues over time.
Because stretching makes your body more flexible, it also has mental health benefits. First, picture yourself on the couch after a long day's work or a morning at the racquetball court, sore, stiff and in pain. Now picture yourself on the same couch after the same activities, but well-stretched, blood and oxygen circulating properly, able to achieve a superior range of motion despite your draining day. Now that's a reason to stretch, isn't it?
Which Stretch Is Best?
Traditionally, stretching routines have followed the principle of static holding; that means holding a stretch in a single position for 20-30 seconds or more.
These types of stretches, known as static stretches, were the only stretches in town for years. Of late, experts in the fitness world increasingly question whether static stretching, particularly before running or performing a sport, has value. In fact, they theorize that static stretching may actually increase injury risk if performed before participating in an activity.
The reason for this concern is because when your muscles are cold, they're at their most stiff. That makes perfect sense, right? Again, picture yourself heading out for a run – without warming up your body – after spending a sedentary day at your desk at work and another hour in your car coming home. Static stretching could actually overstretch the muscle, straining or tearing it.
The solution, according to more and more experts, is to warm up first, complete your physical activity (say, a run) and then perform static stretches, when your body can handle it. The bottom line is that cold muscles are much easier to injure than warm muscles; applying a prolonged, static stretch before you're adequately warmed up could do more damage than good.
So, does that mean you shouldn't stretch before an activity? Of course not. But you might not want to do static stretches. Instead, try dynamic active stretches – things like knee lifts, arm circles, walking lunges, leg swings, torso twists, etc. Think of dynamic stretches as a way to warm up your body in a gentle fashion that prepares you for your activity. Rather than holding a single area of the body in a stretched position for 30 seconds or more, you're stretching multiple muscles and muscle groups by way of continuous movement.
The best way to view static versus dynamic stretching is in terms of motion: When performing a static stretch, you're essentially holding a stretch in one position for a certain length of time, stretching one particular muscle or muscle group (e.g., the calf). When performing a dynamic (active) stretch, you're still stretching the calf muscle(s), but only for a few seconds at a time, and you're not really "holding" it in one place. And doing lunges, for example, doesn't just stretch the calf muscles, but also the lower leg, upper leg, hips, glutes and lower back.
Stretch Your Limits
Is a consistent stretching routine missing from your life? If it is, you're putting your health at risk. Remember, stretching isn't just for athletes; it's for everyone - that means you! Talk to your doctor about the benefits of stretching and how to properly perform static and dynamic stretches to maximize flexibility and reduce injury risk for a lifetime.
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To Your Health
June, 2011 (Vol. 05, Issue 06) Share
Stretch Your Limits
By Editorial Staff
If you're not a regular stretcher, you might end up on one someday. We're totally serious. Without adequate stretching, your body is much more likely to end up stiff and inflexible, particularly over time. That means you're more likely to be limited in your range of motion, and going outside of that range of motion could do damage. Here's why stretching should be a regular part of your daily wellness routine, and the best stretches to get you started.
Stretching Fundamentals
Let's consider a rubber band and a string of equal lengths. The rubber band is fairly flexible by nature, so it can stretch (within reason) to accommodate what you need it to accommodate (for example, a stack of paper). The same length of string, on the other hand, doesn't have much flexibility, if any, so if it's extended beyond its length, what happens? If it's stretched even slightly, it may start to fray; stretch it further and it will likely break (tear) into two or more pieces entirely. Bad news if that's your hamstring.
Many people exercise, but far fewer stretch. Perhaps it's because while exercise generally has visible benefits – you look better – stretching doesn't appear to do much for you on a day-to-day basis unless you're a gymnast, yoga instructor, rock climber or someone else who relies on flexibility. But that doesn't mean stretching isn't important. On the contrary; whether you're a professional athlete or a homemaker, proper stretching can help prevent injury and let you live your life to the fullest.
Benefits of Stretching
Stretching is important for several reasons. It improves flexibility, which can come in handy whether you're reaching down to pick up a pencil from the floor, climbing a ladder to the roof or trying to grab your overeager child before they run into the street. From a sports perspective, flexibility allows you to move more easily and with a greater range of motion while reducing the odds that you'll pull, strain or overstretch something in the heat of battle. It also can protect against long-term injury, in the sense that flexibility and range-of-motion deficits can cause overcompensation patterns to develop. For example, if your hamstrings and calf muscles lack adequate range of motion, it may affect lower leg and foot mechanics, leading to tendinitis or other issues over time.
Because stretching makes your body more flexible, it also has mental health benefits. First, picture yourself on the couch after a long day's work or a morning at the racquetball court, sore, stiff and in pain. Now picture yourself on the same couch after the same activities, but well-stretched, blood and oxygen circulating properly, able to achieve a superior range of motion despite your draining day. Now that's a reason to stretch, isn't it?
Which Stretch Is Best?
Traditionally, stretching routines have followed the principle of static holding; that means holding a stretch in a single position for 20-30 seconds or more.
These types of stretches, known as static stretches, were the only stretches in town for years. Of late, experts in the fitness world increasingly question whether static stretching, particularly before running or performing a sport, has value. In fact, they theorize that static stretching may actually increase injury risk if performed before participating in an activity.
The reason for this concern is because when your muscles are cold, they're at their most stiff. That makes perfect sense, right? Again, picture yourself heading out for a run – without warming up your body – after spending a sedentary day at your desk at work and another hour in your car coming home. Static stretching could actually overstretch the muscle, straining or tearing it.
The solution, according to more and more experts, is to warm up first, complete your physical activity (say, a run) and then perform static stretches, when your body can handle it. The bottom line is that cold muscles are much easier to injure than warm muscles; applying a prolonged, static stretch before you're adequately warmed up could do more damage than good.
So, does that mean you shouldn't stretch before an activity? Of course not. But you might not want to do static stretches. Instead, try dynamic active stretches – things like knee lifts, arm circles, walking lunges, leg swings, torso twists, etc. Think of dynamic stretches as a way to warm up your body in a gentle fashion that prepares you for your activity. Rather than holding a single area of the body in a stretched position for 30 seconds or more, you're stretching multiple muscles and muscle groups by way of continuous movement.
The best way to view static versus dynamic stretching is in terms of motion: When performing a static stretch, you're essentially holding a stretch in one position for a certain length of time, stretching one particular muscle or muscle group (e.g., the calf). When performing a dynamic (active) stretch, you're still stretching the calf muscle(s), but only for a few seconds at a time, and you're not really "holding" it in one place. And doing lunges, for example, doesn't just stretch the calf muscles, but also the lower leg, upper leg, hips, glutes and lower back.
Stretch Your Limits
Is a consistent stretching routine missing from your life? If it is, you're putting your health at risk. Remember, stretching isn't just for athletes; it's for everyone - that means you! Talk to your doctor about the benefits of stretching and how to properly perform static and dynamic stretches to maximize flexibility and reduce injury risk for a lifetime.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Starting from the Ground up!!
To Your Health
May, 2011 (Vol. 05, Issue 05)
Support Yourself From the Ground Up
By Editorial Staff
Anyone who has experienced foot problems understands all too well that it can affect the rest of the body. The feet are your foundation, much like the foundation of a house. If that foundation suffers, the entire structure suffers right along with it; in some cases, it can come crashing down.
Fortunately, that same logic applies in reverse: optimizing foot performance and health is like strengthening your foundation; the result can be a stronger, more durable you from the ground up.
A recent research review provides an excellent illustration of this principle. It involves the example of patients suffering from arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, which can rack the entire body with pain, stiffness and movement limitations. According to the review, biomechanical evidence suggests that "foot orthotics and specialized footwear may change muscle activation and gait patterns to reduce joint loading. Emerging evidence suggests that orthotics, specific shoe types and footwear interventions may provide an effective nonsurgical intervention in rheumatic diseases."
The takeaway here seems clear: Support your feet and your feet will support you. An increasing body of research suggests foot orthotics can positively impact foot health (and thus whole-body health) in numerous ways. Talk to your doctor to learn more.
May, 2011 (Vol. 05, Issue 05)
Support Yourself From the Ground Up
By Editorial Staff
Anyone who has experienced foot problems understands all too well that it can affect the rest of the body. The feet are your foundation, much like the foundation of a house. If that foundation suffers, the entire structure suffers right along with it; in some cases, it can come crashing down.
Fortunately, that same logic applies in reverse: optimizing foot performance and health is like strengthening your foundation; the result can be a stronger, more durable you from the ground up.
A recent research review provides an excellent illustration of this principle. It involves the example of patients suffering from arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, which can rack the entire body with pain, stiffness and movement limitations. According to the review, biomechanical evidence suggests that "foot orthotics and specialized footwear may change muscle activation and gait patterns to reduce joint loading. Emerging evidence suggests that orthotics, specific shoe types and footwear interventions may provide an effective nonsurgical intervention in rheumatic diseases."
The takeaway here seems clear: Support your feet and your feet will support you. An increasing body of research suggests foot orthotics can positively impact foot health (and thus whole-body health) in numerous ways. Talk to your doctor to learn more.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Massage Therapist seeking practicing Shiatsu or Thai
Massage Therapist practicing Shiatsu or Thai
Massage Professionals of Illinois, Inc - Yorkville, IL 60560
Steadily growing Yorkville, Illinois Acupuncture Clinic seeking Massage Therapist practicing:
Job title: Massage Therapist
Job type: Full time or part time employee
Must practice Shiatsu and or Thai or Tui Na and Lomi Lomi.
Massage Therapist must be NCBTMB or AOBTA certified and experienced. Therapist should be strong in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology.
2 or better years practicing Shiatsu or Thai
Beautifully furnished rooms equipped with mat or table your choice. Position is available immediately office provides competitive wages, linens, room and handles all marketing and advertising.
To apply:
You can Fax resume to (708)938-5148 or call for further information (708)680-6764
Massage Professionals of Illinois, Inc - Yorkville, IL 60560
Steadily growing Yorkville, Illinois Acupuncture Clinic seeking Massage Therapist practicing:
Job title: Massage Therapist
Job type: Full time or part time employee
Must practice Shiatsu and or Thai or Tui Na and Lomi Lomi.
Massage Therapist must be NCBTMB or AOBTA certified and experienced. Therapist should be strong in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology.
2 or better years practicing Shiatsu or Thai
Beautifully furnished rooms equipped with mat or table your choice. Position is available immediately office provides competitive wages, linens, room and handles all marketing and advertising.
To apply:
You can Fax resume to (708)938-5148 or call for further information (708)680-6764
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Shiatsu or Thai therapist needed
Steadily growing Yorkville, Illinois Acupuncture Clinic seeking Massage Therapist practicing: Shiatsu, Thai, Tui Na and Lomi Lomi. Massage Therapist must have proper certification and experience. Beautifully furnished rooms equipped with Shiatsu mat or table your choice. Position is available immediately offering competitive wages. You can Email or Fax resume to
(708)938-5148 or call for further information (708)680-6764.
(708)938-5148 or call for further information (708)680-6764.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Five Stress Solutions
Stress can be a killer - quite literally, research suggests, but it can also make your day-to-day existence miserable. Who wants to walk (or rush) around all day as the oppressive weight of stress takes its toll on your body and mind? Here are five simple strategies to help you deal with stress and get back on the road to health and wellness:
1. Walk it off. There are so many physical and mental health benefits to a good walk; when it comes to stress, it's the perfect opportunity to relax, enjoy the outdoors and reduce your stress, either by forgetting about it for a while or having the chance to process it. In fact, in many cases stress isn't caused by a particular situation, but by the sense that you can't escape your situation – your too-loud, too-hectic, too-frantic, responsibility-filled day. A walk is your chance to escape. From a biochemical perspective, it's also a great way to relieve stress because physical activity promotes the release of endorphins, hormones known to relieve pain, reduce stress and increase your sense of happiness and well-being.
2. Talk about it. One of the things that makes stress so damaging is that we often keep it to ourselves. Sometimes talking about how stressed you are (and why) with someone else is exactly what's needed to reduce it or at least understand it a little better - and that's half the battle. Your significant other, a family member, a friend or even a co-worker might be just what you need to get your stress (and how it's affecting you) out in the open. And once it's out in the open, it's easier to deal with. So talk about it with someone who not only provides compassion and understanding, but also has the capacity (and willingness) to tell you not just what you want to hear, but what you need to hear – even if it hurts a little. In the long run, honestly and openness will go a long way toward melting your stress away.
3. Distract yourself. Stress doesn't have nearly as much power over you if you're not thinking about it. That can be a challenge, of course, especially when your every thought is focused on a particular stressor, but it's worth trying something – anything – to take your mind off your stress. This doesn't mean taking a walk, because if you take it alone, you'll likely obsess about your stress the whole time, and if you walk with a companion, you'll likely end up thinking and talking about it, too. True distraction means doing something that forces you to discard your stress to the greatest extent possible – try a baseball game, a night at the movies (particularly pure action or comedy), or even a good book or board game at home. Anything that requires your mind to focus on something other than your stress.
4. Deal with it. Too often, people let stress build until a molehill becomes a mountain, occupying their every thought and affecting their every action. If they'd dealt with the issue (to the best of their ability) at the outset, it might never have gotten to that point. How do we "deal" with stress? It can involve any of these five suggestions, but there are definitely a whole bunch more. It boils down to a few simple rules: a) Recognize when you're stressed; don't ignore it or pretend you're "fine." b) Understand why you're stressed; identify the source of the stress and think carefully about why it's affecting you. c) Find a way to reduce the stress (or eliminate it entirely); if that's not immediately possible, at least find a way to manage it so it doesn't continue to build.
5. Find the positives. There's a silver lining to every stressful situation or circumstance, whether it's stress about your job or career, your relationship, your family life, your (lack of) free time, your finances or anything else. It might be difficult to see at first, but it's definitely there. Think of stress as an opportunity to explore creative solutions that will not only ease your stress, but also reduce the chance it will return. What's good about your job? Use the positives to maximize your experience with your current employer – or plant seeds for your next job. Relationship needs mending? Your stress is the motivator to sit down with your partner and discuss exactly what's going wrong (and what's going right).
1. Walk it off. There are so many physical and mental health benefits to a good walk; when it comes to stress, it's the perfect opportunity to relax, enjoy the outdoors and reduce your stress, either by forgetting about it for a while or having the chance to process it. In fact, in many cases stress isn't caused by a particular situation, but by the sense that you can't escape your situation – your too-loud, too-hectic, too-frantic, responsibility-filled day. A walk is your chance to escape. From a biochemical perspective, it's also a great way to relieve stress because physical activity promotes the release of endorphins, hormones known to relieve pain, reduce stress and increase your sense of happiness and well-being.
2. Talk about it. One of the things that makes stress so damaging is that we often keep it to ourselves. Sometimes talking about how stressed you are (and why) with someone else is exactly what's needed to reduce it or at least understand it a little better - and that's half the battle. Your significant other, a family member, a friend or even a co-worker might be just what you need to get your stress (and how it's affecting you) out in the open. And once it's out in the open, it's easier to deal with. So talk about it with someone who not only provides compassion and understanding, but also has the capacity (and willingness) to tell you not just what you want to hear, but what you need to hear – even if it hurts a little. In the long run, honestly and openness will go a long way toward melting your stress away.
3. Distract yourself. Stress doesn't have nearly as much power over you if you're not thinking about it. That can be a challenge, of course, especially when your every thought is focused on a particular stressor, but it's worth trying something – anything – to take your mind off your stress. This doesn't mean taking a walk, because if you take it alone, you'll likely obsess about your stress the whole time, and if you walk with a companion, you'll likely end up thinking and talking about it, too. True distraction means doing something that forces you to discard your stress to the greatest extent possible – try a baseball game, a night at the movies (particularly pure action or comedy), or even a good book or board game at home. Anything that requires your mind to focus on something other than your stress.
4. Deal with it. Too often, people let stress build until a molehill becomes a mountain, occupying their every thought and affecting their every action. If they'd dealt with the issue (to the best of their ability) at the outset, it might never have gotten to that point. How do we "deal" with stress? It can involve any of these five suggestions, but there are definitely a whole bunch more. It boils down to a few simple rules: a) Recognize when you're stressed; don't ignore it or pretend you're "fine." b) Understand why you're stressed; identify the source of the stress and think carefully about why it's affecting you. c) Find a way to reduce the stress (or eliminate it entirely); if that's not immediately possible, at least find a way to manage it so it doesn't continue to build.
5. Find the positives. There's a silver lining to every stressful situation or circumstance, whether it's stress about your job or career, your relationship, your family life, your (lack of) free time, your finances or anything else. It might be difficult to see at first, but it's definitely there. Think of stress as an opportunity to explore creative solutions that will not only ease your stress, but also reduce the chance it will return. What's good about your job? Use the positives to maximize your experience with your current employer – or plant seeds for your next job. Relationship needs mending? Your stress is the motivator to sit down with your partner and discuss exactly what's going wrong (and what's going right).
Friday, April 1, 2011
No Better Time to Exercise Than Now
Article by Editorial Staff of To Your Health Magazine
We've said it before, are saying it now and undoubtedly will say it again: When it comes to exercise, you have to find time, make time and save time or invariably, you'll have no time left in your busy day, week, month or year to make it happen. Regardless of how hectic your life is, here are four simple ways to ensure exercise doesn't drop off your daily To-Do List.
Rise and Shine. With the exception of extra sleep, which is important for health in its own right, few things should beat out exercise first thing in the morning. Don't even consider it part of your To-Do List and you won't be tempted to prioritize something else and push your workout farther down the list. Start the day with exercise and you'll feel invigorated, if for no other reason than knowing you've gotten it done.
The World Is Your Gym. Too many people think that if they don't make it to the gym or hit the open road for a 5-mile run, they can't meet their exercise quota. Pure nonsense; after all, physical activity existed long before fitness clubs and fancy workout equipment did. Walk from work to lunch and back; take your dog for a jog; do push-ups with the kids; there are endless ways to stay active even during the busiest of days.
Two Is Better Than One. You want to go to the gym, but dread that it will consume precious hours of your time? Here's what you can do: Circuit train, which means working out different body parts one after the other with little or no rest. (Many gyms have an equipment "course" set up for this very purpose.) You can also "superset" exercises, combining biceps and triceps routines, for example. It will make for a more productive workout in less time.
Don't Go It Alone. If you're motivated to exercise on your own, great; but if you're one of the millions who struggle to stay the course (whether it's exercise, diet, quitting smoking, etc.), it's not cheating to recruit a little help. Schedule workouts with a friend or office acquaintance, join a walking or running club, or even pay for personal training sessions at your gym (or home, if you can afford it); whatever it takes to ensure exercise stays front and center.
The link to the original article
We've said it before, are saying it now and undoubtedly will say it again: When it comes to exercise, you have to find time, make time and save time or invariably, you'll have no time left in your busy day, week, month or year to make it happen. Regardless of how hectic your life is, here are four simple ways to ensure exercise doesn't drop off your daily To-Do List.
Rise and Shine. With the exception of extra sleep, which is important for health in its own right, few things should beat out exercise first thing in the morning. Don't even consider it part of your To-Do List and you won't be tempted to prioritize something else and push your workout farther down the list. Start the day with exercise and you'll feel invigorated, if for no other reason than knowing you've gotten it done.
The World Is Your Gym. Too many people think that if they don't make it to the gym or hit the open road for a 5-mile run, they can't meet their exercise quota. Pure nonsense; after all, physical activity existed long before fitness clubs and fancy workout equipment did. Walk from work to lunch and back; take your dog for a jog; do push-ups with the kids; there are endless ways to stay active even during the busiest of days.
Two Is Better Than One. You want to go to the gym, but dread that it will consume precious hours of your time? Here's what you can do: Circuit train, which means working out different body parts one after the other with little or no rest. (Many gyms have an equipment "course" set up for this very purpose.) You can also "superset" exercises, combining biceps and triceps routines, for example. It will make for a more productive workout in less time.
Don't Go It Alone. If you're motivated to exercise on your own, great; but if you're one of the millions who struggle to stay the course (whether it's exercise, diet, quitting smoking, etc.), it's not cheating to recruit a little help. Schedule workouts with a friend or office acquaintance, join a walking or running club, or even pay for personal training sessions at your gym (or home, if you can afford it); whatever it takes to ensure exercise stays front and center.
The link to the original article
Friday, March 18, 2011
The Inflamed Brain
I thought this would be a great article to share considering the state health America is dealing with lately, Increase adult and childhood Obesity, diabetes, cancer and cholestrol issues. I hope this will be helpful or even just informative. This the original article if you would like to read it The Inflamed Brain.
Can poor eating habits "inflame" your brain? Evidence suggests consumption of pro-inflammatory foods can "confuse" your brain and the communication it has with your stomach - in effect, your brain has trouble recognizing when you're full. The result: a tendency to overeat and gain weight, which can lead to all sorts of serious health problems over time, including insulin resistance and diabetes.
At first glance, the notion that the brain can be inflamed may appear silly. This is because we typically view inflammation in the context of swelling after an injury. You sprain an ankle and the ankle swells; inflammation. You get hit in the eye with a ball and the tissue surrounding the eye swells; inflammation. However, the contemporary view of inflammation is that it reflects a manner of cellular communication and need not involve any of the classic signs of inflammation, such as redness, swelling, heat and pain. In fact, one can be systemically inflamed and have no symptoms at all.
The Consequences of Inflammation
For example, type 2 diabetes is caused by chronic inflammation, and its development occurs without the signs and symptoms classically associated with "inflammation." Consider the following statement by a researcher in this area: "Unequivocal experimental, epidemiological and clinical evidence produced during the past decade causally links inflammation, or the molecules and networks integral to inflammatory responses, to the development of these metabolic diseases and/or the complications that emerge from these pathologies, particularly in the context of obesity and type 2 diabetes."
The table above lists the predictors for the presence of metabolic syndrome X, which exists before a patient is obese or has type 2 diabetes. If a patient has three of these predictors, they have the metabolic syndrome and are inflamed.
The reason for our detour into the metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes is because the inflammatory state that causes these conditions is also what leads to hypothalamic inflammation. Indeed, a high-calorie, fat-rich diet causes cytokines to be expressed in the hypothalamus [a portion of the brain just above the brain stem that controls, among various other functions, hunger], contributing to the activation of something known as "intracellular inflammatory signal transduction."
The outcome is insulin resistance within the hypothalamus and a reduction in satiety signaling, which means a reduction in the brain's ability to recognize when you're full. As you might expect, this communication problem can lead to overeating and weight gain. In other words, the brain of an overeater is inflamed.
How to "Deflame" Your Brain
The reduction of systemic inflammation can begin at the next meal. A diet rich in vegetables, fruit and lean meat reduces systemic inflammation. Additional calories can come from nuts and seeds, particularly chia and hemp. Grains, legumes and dairy should be consumed in modest amounts. Foods that should be avoided included refined sugar, flour and oils, as they are all highly inflammatory and yet, at this point they represent approximately 60 percent of the calories consumed by Americans.
Supplements that help to reduce the inflammatory state include a multivitamin, magnesium, omega-3 fish oils, and vitamin D. Supplements that can specifically help improve insulin sensitivity and help reduce inflammation include chromium and lipoic acid.
While the notion of brain inflammation might be new, the approach to reduce systemic inflammation is quite straightforward. Operationally, many patients only need to lose 5 percent to 20 percent of body weight to reduce or eliminate the metabolic syndrome, which means that reducing systemic and brain inflammation can be realized by almost everyone. Talk to your doctor for more information.
Inflammation Dangers
Predictors of Insulin Resistance (Metabolic Syndrome X)
Predictor Abnormal Value
Blood sugar > 100 mg/dL
Triglycerides > 150 mg/dL
HDL cholesterol < 50 for women; < 40 for men
Blood pressure > 130/85 mmHg
Waist circumference ≤ 36 inches for women; ≥ 40 inches for men
David Seaman, MS, DC, DACBN, is the author of Clinical Nutrition for Pain, Inflammation and Tissue Healing. He has a master's degree in nutrition from the University of Bridgeport, Conn., and lectures on nutrition for Anabolic Labs (
Can poor eating habits "inflame" your brain? Evidence suggests consumption of pro-inflammatory foods can "confuse" your brain and the communication it has with your stomach - in effect, your brain has trouble recognizing when you're full. The result: a tendency to overeat and gain weight, which can lead to all sorts of serious health problems over time, including insulin resistance and diabetes.
At first glance, the notion that the brain can be inflamed may appear silly. This is because we typically view inflammation in the context of swelling after an injury. You sprain an ankle and the ankle swells; inflammation. You get hit in the eye with a ball and the tissue surrounding the eye swells; inflammation. However, the contemporary view of inflammation is that it reflects a manner of cellular communication and need not involve any of the classic signs of inflammation, such as redness, swelling, heat and pain. In fact, one can be systemically inflamed and have no symptoms at all.
The Consequences of Inflammation
For example, type 2 diabetes is caused by chronic inflammation, and its development occurs without the signs and symptoms classically associated with "inflammation." Consider the following statement by a researcher in this area: "Unequivocal experimental, epidemiological and clinical evidence produced during the past decade causally links inflammation, or the molecules and networks integral to inflammatory responses, to the development of these metabolic diseases and/or the complications that emerge from these pathologies, particularly in the context of obesity and type 2 diabetes."
The table above lists the predictors for the presence of metabolic syndrome X, which exists before a patient is obese or has type 2 diabetes. If a patient has three of these predictors, they have the metabolic syndrome and are inflamed.
The reason for our detour into the metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes is because the inflammatory state that causes these conditions is also what leads to hypothalamic inflammation. Indeed, a high-calorie, fat-rich diet causes cytokines to be expressed in the hypothalamus [a portion of the brain just above the brain stem that controls, among various other functions, hunger], contributing to the activation of something known as "intracellular inflammatory signal transduction."
The outcome is insulin resistance within the hypothalamus and a reduction in satiety signaling, which means a reduction in the brain's ability to recognize when you're full. As you might expect, this communication problem can lead to overeating and weight gain. In other words, the brain of an overeater is inflamed.
How to "Deflame" Your Brain
The reduction of systemic inflammation can begin at the next meal. A diet rich in vegetables, fruit and lean meat reduces systemic inflammation. Additional calories can come from nuts and seeds, particularly chia and hemp. Grains, legumes and dairy should be consumed in modest amounts. Foods that should be avoided included refined sugar, flour and oils, as they are all highly inflammatory and yet, at this point they represent approximately 60 percent of the calories consumed by Americans.
Supplements that help to reduce the inflammatory state include a multivitamin, magnesium, omega-3 fish oils, and vitamin D. Supplements that can specifically help improve insulin sensitivity and help reduce inflammation include chromium and lipoic acid.
While the notion of brain inflammation might be new, the approach to reduce systemic inflammation is quite straightforward. Operationally, many patients only need to lose 5 percent to 20 percent of body weight to reduce or eliminate the metabolic syndrome, which means that reducing systemic and brain inflammation can be realized by almost everyone. Talk to your doctor for more information.
Inflammation Dangers
Predictors of Insulin Resistance (Metabolic Syndrome X)
Predictor Abnormal Value
Blood sugar > 100 mg/dL
Triglycerides > 150 mg/dL
HDL cholesterol < 50 for women; < 40 for men
Blood pressure > 130/85 mmHg
Waist circumference ≤ 36 inches for women; ≥ 40 inches for men
David Seaman, MS, DC, DACBN, is the author of Clinical Nutrition for Pain, Inflammation and Tissue Healing. He has a master's degree in nutrition from the University of Bridgeport, Conn., and lectures on nutrition for Anabolic Labs (
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Massage Job position
We are hiring for a sales position.
Job description: Former or Retired Massage Therapist with Sales experience and a passion for Health and Wellness. If this is you or you know anyone call (708)680-6764
Job description: Former or Retired Massage Therapist with Sales experience and a passion for Health and Wellness. If this is you or you know anyone call (708)680-6764
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Massage Professionals of Illinois Inc. the Genesis: Low vitamin D linked to allergies in children
Massage Professionals of Illinois Inc. the Genesis: Low vitamin D linked to allergies in children: "I was up reading this morning since I have been home with a nasty cough and though I would share this with you all. I find it funny consider..."
Low vitamin D linked to allergies in children
I was up reading this morning since I have been home with a nasty cough and though I would share this with you all. I find it funny considering my Husband has had allergies since he was a youngster. What I find funny is eggs, peanuts and shell fish are all his poisons. As of last year I found out I was deficient in vitamin D the average level is 30 and I has tested at 14. We are learning more about Vitamin D and what can happen when your deficient in this miracle vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency can also be linked to fertility issues, Alzheimer, childhood asthma and much more. So people please try to stay ahead and test your vitamin levels not just vitamin D.
Low vitamin D linked to allergies in children
(NaturalNews) A new paper published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology has found a link between low vitamin D levels and the onset of allergies in children. The study of over 3,000 children concluded that among children with low or deficient levels of vitamin D, sensitivity to allergens was present in more than half of those for which they tested.
A research team from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University in New York collected blood samples from more than 3,100 children and 3,400 adults, and analyzed sensitivity to 17 different allergens. The team measured the production levels of Immunoglobulin E (IgE), the protein made when the immune system reacts to allergens, and compared it to blood serum levels of vitamin D.
While no specific correlation in this particular study was observed between vitamin D and allergens in adults, children and adolescents with low levels of vitamin D were found to be sensitive to an average of 11 of the 17 allergens, which included environmental allergens like ragweed and oak, and food allergens like eggs and peanuts. Children with less than 15 nanograms per milliliter (Ng/mL) of vitamin D in their blood, which was the threshold of deficiency used in the study, were 240 percent more likely to have a peanut allergy than children with 30 Ng/mL of vitamin D or higher, for instance.
The findings confirm those of a 2007 Harvard University study that claimed increased sunlight exposure could reduce the onset of both allergies and asthma in children. That study found a link between vitamin D deficiency and such conditions in adults as well, noting that pregnant women who are vitamin D deficient are more likely to bear children with allergies or asthma than pregnant women with higher levels (
by: Ethan A. Huff,
To learn more about the many benefits of maintaining high levels of vitamin D, visit:
Sources for this story include:
Learn more:
Low vitamin D linked to allergies in children
(NaturalNews) A new paper published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology has found a link between low vitamin D levels and the onset of allergies in children. The study of over 3,000 children concluded that among children with low or deficient levels of vitamin D, sensitivity to allergens was present in more than half of those for which they tested.
A research team from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University in New York collected blood samples from more than 3,100 children and 3,400 adults, and analyzed sensitivity to 17 different allergens. The team measured the production levels of Immunoglobulin E (IgE), the protein made when the immune system reacts to allergens, and compared it to blood serum levels of vitamin D.
While no specific correlation in this particular study was observed between vitamin D and allergens in adults, children and adolescents with low levels of vitamin D were found to be sensitive to an average of 11 of the 17 allergens, which included environmental allergens like ragweed and oak, and food allergens like eggs and peanuts. Children with less than 15 nanograms per milliliter (Ng/mL) of vitamin D in their blood, which was the threshold of deficiency used in the study, were 240 percent more likely to have a peanut allergy than children with 30 Ng/mL of vitamin D or higher, for instance.
The findings confirm those of a 2007 Harvard University study that claimed increased sunlight exposure could reduce the onset of both allergies and asthma in children. That study found a link between vitamin D deficiency and such conditions in adults as well, noting that pregnant women who are vitamin D deficient are more likely to bear children with allergies or asthma than pregnant women with higher levels (
by: Ethan A. Huff,
To learn more about the many benefits of maintaining high levels of vitamin D, visit:
Sources for this story include:
Learn more:
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Winter Mania
We are in the mist of winter in the Midwest and for most of us we are experiencing many complications. I have heard complaints of fatigue, restless nights sleep, stiff achy muscles and joints along with dry and itchy skin. There are so many remedies that you will hear in your life time but massage therapy will either not be mentioned or be the last remedy heard.
What are the chanced you will run to massage therapist to help you with sleep, stiff joints or achy muscles, and dry skin? Exactly, you had to think about it. I will admit prior to my career in massage the last thing on my mind would have been massage therapy. I would only consider massage if I was looking to relax and have a luxurious weekend with the girls. Massage offers many things and yes we can guarantee you improved quality of life.
Massage Therapy can make winter a little more pleasant. Would you consider massage over medication? Now if your experiencing muscle spasms, tender muscles and chronic unexplained discomfort in your muscles would you take muscle relaxers or visit you massage therapist?
The winter causes your muscles to contract to hold heat to keep you warm. During the time your muscles are contracted you have to realize that if your muscles were tight prior to that then you have now increased your risk of injury. Stretching, Hydrating and yes you can't forget MASSAGE regularly will help you to stay injury free and pain free. Massage can offer you many benefits but will you accept what it has to offer? Massage will increase blood circulation, boost immune function, assist in improved range of motion (R.O.M) and improved healthy hormonal release. Utilizing massage can cut cost on unnecessary medication cost such as Tylenol, muscle relaxers etc. After learning what massage can do for you what will you do to improve your physical health?
We Heart your Health.... What are you doing to improve you cardiovascular health?
Massage Professionals of Illinois, Inc.
Recruitment & Placement Agency
Corporate Wellness Program
Your Corporate Connection
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If you know any massage therapist seeking employment, businesses looking to incorporate a wellness program or corporate massage please direct them to
Massage Professionals of Illinois, Inc.
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Phone (708)680-MPOI (6764)
Fax (708)938-5148
What are the chanced you will run to massage therapist to help you with sleep, stiff joints or achy muscles, and dry skin? Exactly, you had to think about it. I will admit prior to my career in massage the last thing on my mind would have been massage therapy. I would only consider massage if I was looking to relax and have a luxurious weekend with the girls. Massage offers many things and yes we can guarantee you improved quality of life.
Massage Therapy can make winter a little more pleasant. Would you consider massage over medication? Now if your experiencing muscle spasms, tender muscles and chronic unexplained discomfort in your muscles would you take muscle relaxers or visit you massage therapist?
The winter causes your muscles to contract to hold heat to keep you warm. During the time your muscles are contracted you have to realize that if your muscles were tight prior to that then you have now increased your risk of injury. Stretching, Hydrating and yes you can't forget MASSAGE regularly will help you to stay injury free and pain free. Massage can offer you many benefits but will you accept what it has to offer? Massage will increase blood circulation, boost immune function, assist in improved range of motion (R.O.M) and improved healthy hormonal release. Utilizing massage can cut cost on unnecessary medication cost such as Tylenol, muscle relaxers etc. After learning what massage can do for you what will you do to improve your physical health?
We Heart your Health.... What are you doing to improve you cardiovascular health?
Massage Professionals of Illinois, Inc.
Recruitment & Placement Agency
Corporate Wellness Program
Your Corporate Connection
Join us on Facebook and follow us with Twitter
If you know any massage therapist seeking employment, businesses looking to incorporate a wellness program or corporate massage please direct them to
Massage Professionals of Illinois, Inc.
Thank You
Phone (708)680-MPOI (6764)
Fax (708)938-5148
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